
Groundwater Transport and Fate Model

BUSTR-Screen is a screening level groundwater transport model that combines an expanded user interface with the BIOSCREEN model. This was done to simplify modeling and to document input parameters. Using SEVIEW the BUSTR-Screen interface can also be used to run the AT123D groundwater model.

As with BIOSCREEN, it is based on the Domenico analytical model and can simulate contaminant transport and fate based on advection, dispersion, adsorption and biological decay. Contaminant transport and fate can be simulated:

  • Without biological decay, or
  • With biodegradation simulated as a first-order decay process.

BUSTR-Screen was developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 1997 for the Ohio Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations (BUSTR). No modifications were made to the BUSTR-Screen program to make it work with AT123D in the SEVIEW software.

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