ESCI, LLC offers an Annual Software Support and Maintenance Contract for the SEVIEW software. SEVIEW comes with 30 days of support. Customer support is a central part of ESCI, and we aim to deliver prompt, accurate support to all our customers. Users can obtain continued support via an annual software support and maintenance contract.
ESCI provides the highest quality of technical support. Robert Schneiker the designer and developer of the SEVIEW software is the principle provider of support. With his project experience, technical support, and software development no one has more experience using the SESOIL and AT123D models. In addition, ESCI has established working relationships with a wide range of environmental professionals who can assist with technical support questions.
The Software Support and Maintenance Contract offers much more than just technical support. It includes; software updates, access to beta versions, and documentation updates. Support increases user contact that provides for a greater understanding of specific needs which results in a better software product.
The Annual Software Support and Maintenance Contract entitles you to receive software updates within a product version at no additional cost for the duration of the contract. These updates address fixes and/or contain enhancements to the SEVIEW software. Software support has even resulted in development of enhanced versions of SEVIEW based on your specific requirements. Without an Annual Maintenance Contract you would not have access to these updated capabilities until the next version is developed and purchased.
Updated documentation that reflects changes made to the SEVIEW software is part of the maintenance agreement. SEVIEW includes a 229 page User’s Guide that is periodically updated to reflect enhancements to the SEVIEW software capabilities.
Click here to purchase or renew your Software Support and Maintenance Contract. The cost of the Annual Software Support and Maintenance Contract is $195 USD per year. Discounts for multiple year renewals for up to three years are available for both standard and educational licenses. Annual Software Support and Maintenance Contracts can be obtained as part of the initial purchase, or at any time. Starting January 1, 2016 Software Support and Maintenance Contracts can only be purchased within 30 days of purchasing SEVIEW.
Technical support without a Software Support and Maintenance Contract is available for $150.00 USD per-incident. Note that this support option does not include software updates.
ESCI Advanced Technical Support provides assistance for vadose zone and groundwater modeling. Anyone who has performed transport and fate modeling knows it is easy to waste enormous amount of time. A wrong parameter here and a bad value there and suddenly you have a very bad day. Even just a few minutes of technical support can make a big difference. With advanced support you will be able to complete your projects faster and with greater confidence. Support ranges from site conceptualization, modeling, report preparation, and review. Advanced Technical support is principally provided by Robert Schneiker the designer and developer of the SEVIEW software. With 23 years of experience in vadose zone and groundwater modeling. Advanced support is provided hourly or in prepaid blocks of time. Advanced technical support is available at the hourly rate of $150.00 USD per hour. Four hours of prepaid blocks of support are available for $500.00 USD. Unused blocks remain available for twelve months.
With an Annual Software Support and Maintenance Contract you protect your investment with updated software and unlimited support. This actually results in an overall cost savings. Please contact ESCI at (608) 240-9878, or via email at for additional information, or click here to purchase your Software Support and Maintenance Contract.